I'm ready!


You know you're the leader in other rooms.
Now it's time to feel like that same wise respected leader in your family room.

In case you're looking for a traditional relationship or boundaries coach who's gonna tell you to "make the people you love happy" or to "love people from a healthy distance" then this is not for you. If you believe it IS your inherent obligation and responsibility to make people around you comfy 24/7 - even when it means missed growth opportunities, less self-awareness for them, and fewer needs met for you, and that it's okay if you're too burned out and depressed to bring your magic to the world... there's no need to keep reading.

In the Sovereign Sphere we say "nope, thanks" to the manufactured social norms of endless obligations. Instead, we prioritize your accountability to fulfilling your purpose and to enriching the world around you with your unique perspective. We believe our power is in our presence, that our growth is on the other side of discomfort, and that life is not about catering to other people's judgements but actually practicing and trusting our own discernment.

With our world-class live coaching with Lena, community of the most empathetic and supportive women, abundant trainings and daily support... you can't not ignite your life.

You have a deep vision and purpose
And you're here for more than soothing everyone else's feelings.

Society tells us that "being nice" means: Making sure that everyone around us is comfortable + Helping out whenever we can + Saying 'yes' as much as possible + Fitting into the roles people assign us and THEIR definition of what it means to be a good friend, daughter, sister, wife, bestie, girlfriend, employee, manager... the list goes on.


I'm guessing you grew up in a household that didn't fully process feelings. There was shame, blame, power-dynamics, tension, and you kinda felt responsible for other people's emotions.

Your parents did their best (probably) and whether they did a "good enough" job or not, the point is this: You became an adult with some "sticky" feelings of obligation.

You read people, feel how they feel, and intuitively know what they want you to do about it...

You're wildly intelligent, a powerful agent of change, and one of the wisest people you know, but you still find yourself downplaying your desires and perspective to create space for other people's wants and feelings.

Deep down you that specific people in your life aren't being fair or empathetic when they try to drag you down into their negativity and victim mentality, but you're not always sure how to point it out calmly and set a boundary in a way that feels kind, respectful, and empathetic.

You know there's a more powerful version of you waiting to be unleashed into your life. The one who is laser focused on your purpose. Who sees your leadership and purpose in life beyond just what people pay you to do - because you were born to lead as a daughter, mother, wife, friend.

Not often, but sometimes, you're unable to fall asleep at 3am because your heart is so sad, because your needs feel invisible, and you're wondering why the f*ck are you the only one who's actively working on herself and growing as a person? And how do they somehow still manage to think you're the one who is selfish and needs to make more of an effort?!?

You logically know that emotionally exhausting yourself trying to regulate emotions and fix things for the people you love is not worth taking energy away from your health and your impact...

You're done trying to be the woman other people want you to be and you're ready to become the powerful, wise, centered woman you were put on this planet to be. To build your legacy, heal your lineage, and do it in a way where you get to live a fun and fulfilling life.

Here's what I know about you already...

You're deeply empathetic, highly sensitive, loving! ... and maybe also a tiny bit resentful...

To Claim radical ownership of yourself, your PERsonal PoWER, and Your sovereign Experience of life.

You don't have to choose between being the 1% best daughter, wife, mother in the world - building an empire around your world-changing impact - and feeling like you're walking on magic.

It's all a part of the life purpose you were born to fulfill.


This is Your Time to Live Sovereign

In a world where women can be anything - 68% of women are still "people-pleasing at the cost of their own happiness"

Develop the confidence and self-trust to prioritize your wants and needs and lead every relationship with unapologetic self-expression to magnetize powerful romance, respect, and real impact.

You're ready to stand out and stand up for your values.

DM to Apply

Sovereign is not just a program - it's a massive movement of empathetic women role-modeling healthy embodied leadership and true fulfillment around the globe.


Our goal is simple: position you as the leader of youR legacy, lineage, and life.

Lena has a high and adaptive intelligence, a big heart and real integrity. These combine to make coaching not just emotionally safe but quickly productive. Due to Lena's coaching and positive mirroring, I feel back in touch with my personal power.

"I feel back in touch with my personal power"



When you unleash the sovereign woman within, you move beyond power dynamics and social norms into true freedom.

That's how Devina went from anxious shame-spiraling in moments of tension with her mom TO feeling "empathetic and yet unbothered" during her mom's Grade A class guilt-trips!

And how Natalia when from overworking in a job that was totally underpaying her and taking away from her personal time because it was "meaningful work" TO 3Xing her salary in an awesome new team.

Emily went from feeling "guilted" into paying her parents' rent while they both refused to work and half-assed building their "business" 
TO feeling at peace letting them to learn to be self-accountable.

And Shivani went from feeling sucked into "obligatory" 3-hours (or even longer) calls comforting and listening to her mom every single day TO graceful 15-20 minute catch ups on the days she genuinely wants to connect, and at times that work for her schedule.

The Sovereign Woman prioritizes impact, intimacy, and intentionality because she values herself and her time. And her relationships mirror that back to her. 

You're building a life of freedom. Where you get to be that 1% best mom in the world, a leader impacting lives around the globe AND the woman who gets to take her epsom salt baths, travel gorgeous places, and truly be living your life.


You're a deeply loving and nurturing woman. Even though growth is your top value, connection is a super close second. That means you need a life where your lineage and relationships are honored as a valuable part of your life's purpose.


There's a fire in your Soul that you can't ignore. And whether you're a mom of 7 or even if you won a million dollars tomorrow, you know there's a massive purpose you're here to serve that can never be sacrificed or down-played.


Be The Woman Who Has It All

Screw social expectations and people-pleasing norms. You get to become a more self-honoring version of you that knows you're meant for a passionate, powerful, potent life and be exceptionally fulfilled in all of life's arenas.

The Sovereign Woman is free. She makes her own rules and lives up to her own ambitious expectations in every area of her life. She loves herself so fully that people are either magnetized of repelled by her power AND she know that she wins either way, because she's here to love her life and lives her purpose fully.

We start by identifying your unique wisdom and values. The things that make you so completely you. The reasons you're alive. And we create a clear values system to keep you aligned and in tune with your unique essence.

Values awareness


Your Sovereign Self lights up and comes alive when you master the signature V.A.L.I.D Formula:

Using your clear values system, we tap into the power that you've been hiding or minimizing to try to help others stay in their comfort zone, and we'll bring your wisdom, insights, and gifts up to the surface, where they belong.

Aligning your power

This is the time to dive deep into self-care rituals, that nurture and cultivate a profound sense of self-worth, allowing you to both receive and give, grow through discomfort, and lead your life from a place of true overflow.

Loving yourself more

Evolve your relationships so that you you get to receive the support you deserve on your path to building your legacy. We'll skillfully and strategically design your current and life-long relationships to expand trust, reciprocity, mutual growth, and respect.


We'll integrate your new unapologetic alignment seamlessly into your daily life so that you easily express your visions, share your wisdom, and improve the lives around you as you embody true self-leadership and sovereignty.

Deepening Leadership

"Having Lena in your corner supporting you will absolutely change the trajectory of your life."

Danielle Insley

"Fucking do it!!! Not only for you but also for the people around you, because I know how much you care about them."

Destiny davis

SOVEREIGN Client Love...

Reclaim and Rebirth the Empowered Woman You Are with SOVEREIGN.

Here's What's Included:


You will liberate emotions, beliefs and patterns to step into your unique empowered balance with your legacy, lineage, and living.


Kickstart your journey on a private call with Lena where you identify core beliefs, patterns, and opportunities to turn the dial up on your power.


Real time coaching, support, questions, integration, celebration from community + T-Th Mentorship access to Lena (Mentorship with Lena available until end of 2024)


Receive the above plus exclusive access to Lena:
- 1 Private 45-Minute Coaching Call every month
- 3 Days of Private WhatsApp Integration and Coaching after each Private Call


Receive access to all of Lena's courses and programs while you're in Sovereign. Learn the A to Z to build the Legacy, Lineage, and Living you were born to create.

One client felt guilty about setting boundaries because her sisters were "left stuck with her parents' issues"

She now understands her role modeling is key and sees her siblings are capable adults and totally safe.

Another client was a new mom and felt so stretched thin between mom time and time in her business...

We got clear on what support she needs, got her husband on board, and now she even has time for herself.

A client had a boss who was downright disrespectful and she didn't feel safe setting healthy boundaries with him.

She's since told him politely that she needs better leadership from him and he apologized for his behavior.

One of us was eating feelings to avoid confrontation.

She set new boundaries with her parents, sisters, boyfriend, and herself.

She lost over 50lbs since.
No surprise.

One client came in saying she "just wants to feel cool" without working herself into the ground.

We defined and normalized living in her unique style of "cool" & she feels kinder to her self and more confident.

A client was skipping self-care and quality time with her boyfriend and friends to "stay on top of work".

We transformed her mindset around her purpose -- now she's working out, reading, & enjoying lots of quality time.

The Sovereign Evolution

THIS EXPERIENCE Will empower every Relationship in your life

I grew up feeling powerless. I was so busy trying to be "good enough" and worthy of love that I never set healthy boundaries. It took years for me to notice I had become overworked but underappreciated, kept having one crappy relationships (and friendship) after the next where my needs were completely invisible, and I was eating my feelings so much I became overweight and with chronic pain. My life sucked so much that I decided I needed to get back in touch with my power - no matter the cost.

I flipped my WHOLE life upside down. And within a few years I went from being the most isolated people I knew to being in a marriage that gives me butterflies just thinking about it, with parents so proud of me it's almost annoying, friends that have my back, stronger and more fit than I ever thought possible for me. And, most importantly I'm fully, authentically, uncompromisingly myself all the freaking time and it feels so good!!

Working with me means having a partner in growth, who sees the incredibly powerful woman that you are and ensures that you let her wisdom, creativity, femininity, unique weirdness, and deepest desires shine into a beautifully rewarding, fulfilling, and loving life <3 

Your Self-Liberation Hype- Woman

Hi, I'm Lena.

The Sovereign Mastermind is a rolling program, meaning you can join any time and stay for the full duration of the program. We've crafted it so you can join us any time and receive support right away, because the right time to nurture yourself is always now.

When will this round of Sovereign begin?

Yes! You can pay in full or you can pay in monthly payments throughout the program. We value accessibility, so if you're ready to join and need a tiny bit of extra flexibility then let us know what your finances look like and we will do our best to make sure you can join us in Sovereign asap.

Are there payment plans?

Because our community has women from multiple timezones, we decide call times accordingly. You will receive calendar invitations for calls in advance AND if you can't make it, you can submit a question in the group chat OR EVEN anonymously if you prefer.

What Time are the Sovereign weekly calls?

+ 2+ intimate live group calls each month
+ 45-minute Private call with Lena
+ Coaching in the Community Channel
+ Access to all program + courses inside
+ The option to upgrade to VIP and get private coaching at a STEAL

What's everything included in sovereign?

YES! Sovereign provides you with the support, strategy and skills to become the woman you were meant to be - the one who balances building a meaningful legacy, leading her lineage, and living a life she loves - on her own terms! With incredible coaching, life-changing training, and wraparound support, it's the world's best self-empowerment blanket.

is Sovereign differenT Vs. other programs?

We share deep feelings. We practice new communication styles together. We support the fck out of each other. The application process is to ensure a solid, supportive community you deserve with conscious, loving, and supportive women. The only "requirement" is to be present, loving, and open-hearted.

Why is there an application?

Frequently Asked Questions

We believe our differences make us stronger. Sovereign is for entrepreneurs, career-women, and work-at-home wives and mamas alike. In 10yr marriages and who've never been on a date. Battling depression and happy + ready for more. What we share is our commitment to mindfulness, personal accountability, and growth!

What kind of women will I meet inside?

Yes! In addition to the immersive live trainings, and the group coaching channel, you receive a private 45-minute onboarding call with Lena AND a week of private WhatsApp coaching. Plus, for a limited time, we offer the option to upgrade to VIP and receive 1:1 Private Coaching with Lena.

Will I have 1:1 Access to Lena?

"Lena's coaching is truly remarkable
Lena has been instrumental in helping me carve out meaningful time for self-care and personal growth. With her unwavering support, I've embraced a more holistic way of living, building confidence and evolving into a more fulfilled individual."

- Bianca -

"I was able to have revelations that I didn't even have in the past TEN YEARS that I've been doing personal development and working on my mindset. I'm so excited for the future now because of the tools that Lena gave me. I highly recommend working with Lena!"

- Alysha -

Lena is an incredible coach... and I mean INCREDIBLE! I've been a self-help junkie for years now, and didn't make much progress on letting go of people-pleasing. Lena was able to help me uncover the roots of my people-pleasing. It's crazy... she can really SEE you so quickly.

 - Michaela -


more client love

Unleash the Sovereign Within

In a world where people-pleasing is the "polite" norm, you dare to be genuinely, authentically, powerfully kind. 

If there's a part of you that would rather grow with sisterhood and a coach in your corner.. If you're ready to become your own biggest advocate.. You belong in the Sovereign Sphere.

You empower others by role modeling freedom and power.

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