"You know when you're driving and you think you see just fine... and then you get new wipers and you're like WOAH, this is the view?! This is where I'm headed?!

That's honestly how I felt coaching with Lena!

I had been doing SO much mindset work and coaching and my situation & mindset had stayed the same for SO long... But with only 90 minutes with Lena, I have such clear vision on my beliefs, habits, triggers AND we actually created an action plan that feels super exciting to create the change I want in my life"
- Alysha

Get ready to install new windshield wipers on your belief system 🩵

 You've read books, talked to friends, tried a few modalities, invested in high-touch coaching, and your life is incomparable to where it was just a couple of years ago...

But even though you've become unrecognizable from who you were a few years ago, there are still some beliefs and habits to release so that you step into your power to create the fun, intimacy, and lightning speed growth you want.

If that totally resonates, then this is for you.

This is for you if...

You've been doing mindset work and healing for a while - and you know another big shift is coming.

Alchemize deep-rooted patterns from your childhood and create a foundation of deep self-trust, real security, and emotional safety to go after what you want.

Boost your confidence in your profound capability to create that new relationship dynamic - without feeling reliant on your mom or your man to change their ways.

Rewire your mind for new communication habits that allow you to set boundaries that actually build intimacy and magnetize connection 

We do THE life-changing work that allows you to become the family leader, while fueling in your feminine fire ✨

1:1 Coaching is
where we:

Lena is so skilled at asking deep questions, doing somatic work, and showing so much compassion. She made me feel so safe through the process as well. She makes you feel more safe, in control, and empowered for sure.

"If you ask me whether to sign up to work with Lena's I'd say HELL YES!"

"I was able to have revelations that I didn't even have in the past TEN YEARS that I've been doing personal development and working on my money mindset."


"Within a matter of minutes... she want able to uncover so much! It is WILD to think about how much knowledge she has."


What Lena's Private Clients have to say about their Breakthroughs:

Ready to magnetize romance, respect, and real impact into your vortex?

Up to 3x 45-minute private 1:1 coaching calls with Lena per Month

Monday-Thursday private text and voice messagE coaching 

A Thoughtful surprise gift

Yes! I'm In


This is your time to Enter...

a 3-month Personal Power Portal with 

"She has a way of coaching you where it feels like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulder and you have more clarity."

Anna Maria

"I felt like setting boundaries would be hurting the people I love but Lena helped me realize it's actually empowering them."


More Leaders about their Experience with Lena:

I used to be completely broke, overweight, burned out, and so f***ing lonely. I spent years eating my feelings and shoving them down to people-please in the hopes that I'd get to feel less lonely... But it didn't work. Nothing let me escape the feeling of not being good enough. In fact, the more I tried to escape it, the more powerless and insecure I felt. 

I know how to deal with the most powerless feelings, which is why I will help you overcome yours and get the confidence, respect, appreciation, and joy that you deserve.

That's how I went from lonely AF to a marriage that gives me full-body butterflies AND being genuinely, authentically, uncompromisingly myself around my family. From insecure and invisible lower-level manager to respected Director-level executive and recognized community leader in under a year. 

Working with me means having a partner who sees the incredibly powerful woman that you are and ensures that you let your wisdom, creativity, femininity, unique weirdness, and deepest desires become a beautifully rewarding, fulfilling,
and unrecognizably successful life. (Plus I have a psychology degree, somatic coaching certification & thousands of coaching calls that say this will change your life...)

In case we haven't met yet....

Hi, I'm Lena.

THIS is What True Personal Power Looks Like For Other Clients:

A client was paying her man's bills and was tired of the financial stress...

Within a couple months, her man was stepping up to the plate to pay bills AND leaving her cute gifts on her desk.

One of us was so fed up with eating her feelings.

She set new boundaries in her relationships & we processed big feelings together + ⬆ her self-care.

She lost over 50lbs since.

One client took a 2-year "break" from dating because it felt draining and messy...

Within 2 weeks of working together she was ready to hop back into the dating scene with massive clarity on who to show up as!

One client felt guilty about setting boundaries because her sisters were "left stuck with her parents' issues"

She now understands her role modeling is key and sees her siblings are capable adults and totally safe.

A client came to me wanting to move to another country to live with her boyfriend. 

After we shot her self-worth through the roof, she decided not to follow him around, and told him she deserves to be equally prioritized by him.

A client was skipping self-care and quality time with her boyfriend to "stay on top of work" she was assigned.

We ⬆ her confidence, she set new boundaries, and now she's working out, reading, & doing the things she loves!

Here's What Lena's Clients Have To Say...

I love the way Lena teaches honoring the parts of us that want to support others with the ones that want self-care & me-time, and finding that balance.

I feel closer to myself and I'm so excited to see where these new perspectives take me!

 - Askhita -

"Lena's coaching is truly remarkable
Lena has been instrumental in helping me carve out meaningful time for self-care and personal growth.

With her unwavering support, I've embraced a more holistic way of living, building confidence and evolving into a more fulfilled individual."

- Bianca -

Before Lena, I felt run down after years of trying to create my career path and suffering from a lot of self-doubt about my choices. 

My self-confidence has gone from 30% to about 80% in only a month, which feels more significant than it even sounds! I feel back in touch with my personal power and ready to keep taking on the challenges ahead. 

 - Leela -

Lena is an incredible coach... and I mean INCREDIBLE! I've been a self-help junkie for years now, and didn't make much progress on letting go of people-pleasing.

She was able to help me uncover the roots of my people-pleasing. It's crazy how much knowledge she has and that she can really SEE you so quickly.

- Michaela -

I was drawn to Lena because of her intuitive feminine approach. We changed a lot of my marketing and offers, but it is my self-belief as an entrepreneur that changed most! I understand myself, my strengths and my business pathway better.

- Tash -

I wanted to feel valuable, but wasn't clear on where I was headed or what would fulfill me. Lena helped me make decisions that really reflect me and my values, rather than what I feel I "should" do. I'm happier and more energized that I've been in a long time.

- Steph -

If you're a recovering people pleaser struggling with navigating it in realtime, Lena will give you amazing advice on how to approach tough situations with family, clients, whoever while also giving you clarity so you can give yourself what you actually need vs. what you think people pleasing will give you."

- Destiny -

Lena's coaching is like getting tea with a long-time friend. If you want someone who is going to really handle everything that you've been through and are going through with a such care and attention to detail, then Lena is your person.

- Jazmyne -

Let's Prioritize You This Time.

In a world where women can be anything - 68% of women are still "people-pleasing at the cost of their own happiness"

Fitting in, making people comfortable... it's not your jam. You're here to make big sh*t happen, and you're ready to take radical ownership of your life with a powerful coach in your back pocket.

You dare to be BOLDLY and fully yourself.

Book Your Call