We’re used to thinking that relationships grow when you “explain” and “show” that you’re right and the other person wasn’t seeing something... but nope. That just causes tension to rise because nobody is feeling heard and nobody is focusing on making others feel heard.

That’s an old paradigm we’re leaving behind because it serves no one. It creates a battle ground when what we want is a passionate partnership with this person.

The truth is you don’t need anyone to understand your perspective - you have better ways to spend your energy to create intimacy rather than feed conflict. Because it’s not the person who is “right” that leads the way, or the person who can convince others. The leader who ends up seen, heard, and respected is the person who knows how to magnetize teamwork using internal alignment and bringing others along for mutual growth.

That the path through conflict to the other side is internal. And you hold all the power here 👑 

You don't need anyone's approval

Time to outgrow out-dated conflict "resolution" and use conflict to actually improve relationships.

In case you're looking for a cozy place to get validation from a group of women who all just want to validate each other, this is not the place for that. Because I believe more than anything that you can generate 100% of the validation you need AND that doing so will be the MOST empowering, liberating, and joyful skill in your life. 

From the media, to the people closest to us, subliminal requests, expectations, and "ideals" are being presented to us by people who do not feel our feelings, our purpose, our passion, our perception. And without the ability to self-validate, the pressure to contort to expectations can distract us out of our authentic alignment again, and again, until our life becomes someone else's. A not-quite-authentic version of us who feels a tiny bit like a character. She lives our life, but we don't even relate to her fully. And as long as we continue to go into comparison, guilt, shame, even blaming or labeling our "imperfections", she gets to stay there. Living our life for us day, after day. 

If you're thinking "Lena, that's too real. It feels sticky, and gross. I don't like that my thoughts and feelings, and even my big dreams, are being hijacked by my idea of who I'm 'supposed to be' instead of who I know deep down I'm meant to be", then you're absolutely in the exact right place to be. 

You're ready to how up as the calm, centered, wise woman you are. Even in the tense moments.

You're about to identity shift into the powerfully embodied leader you already are when you're in your own home.

(Even if mom is on a guilt trip, or dad is "stuck in his ways"... or your husband feels criticized and it's clearly not bc of what you said)


Turn Conflict Into Relationship Gold!

Avoiding conflict is a trap. 
We’re taught to fear and avoid conflict, when it’s actually a powerful invitation for more. t’s a portal to mutual growth.
An opportunity to step into the next level of connection and to feel even more like a team.

Are you ready to exit the matrix, master your relationship with conflict, and turn tension into the relationship gold it was always intended to be? 


The Conflict Revolution is a commitment to always learn from life and grow together.
To be the wise woman who finds gold wherever she goes and shares it with loved ones.

It's a Revolution.

Don't do this for you. Do it for every. single. person. that you know and love ❤️‍🔥

"What I found most helpful about being in The Conflict Revolution is the practical tips Lena gave. As an action-taker, I like approaching everything in life and business from a place of alignment. The exercises Lena gave helped me gain clarity on what's important to me and actionable steps for how I can do things different in a way that feels good to me."

"Join The Conflict Revolution Yesterday..!"

Your leadership will test you...

You will be called to show the world what it means for a woman to live in service without compromising herself.

Moments will come, with your partner, with your mom, with your clients, where you must decide:

If to continue to build on generations of women who play small and please…

Or show up as a leader you are and see tension as an invitation to play bigger AND to bring the people you love along for the journey.

Which will you choose?

The Conflict Revolution includes 4 Mind-Blowing 1hr+ video trainings AND access to a Telegram with multiple audio trainings that will completed revolutionize the way you see, hear, tease, smell, and move through conflict.

I'm So In!