I'm ready!
Learn exactly what to do to set the conversation up for everyone involved to feel heard and respected. Even if it's a challenging topic where you naturally disagree.
Find out how to anchor yourself in your inner knowing of who you were born to be and how that woman shows up and leads in this conversation.
Somatically get your body on board so that you can remain calm and true to yourself as you evolve your relationships.
Learn communication habits that allow you to share your current boundaries in a way that is blameless, shameless, and guiltless - and genuinely empowering, regardless of how others respond.
Whether it's with your parents, or your partner of ten years, or your childhood best friend - you need to be able to grow and evolve together. And the only way to do that is if you feel comfortable and confident expressing your emotional comfort zone and balancing it with your need for mutual growth.
When you master Kind Boundaries, you do everyone in your life a massive favor. You become the mom, wife, daughter, bestie, leader people need you to be. The one who can calmly acknowledge, help them feel heard, and STILL role-model self-respect and self-advocacy in a way that honors the relationship and both of your needs.
This isn't just a life skill - it's an art. And it's life-changing for you and everyone that comes into contact with you.
It's about time society schooled us better and showed us that boundaries make relationships better. They are a gift.
An act of mutual love.
As someone who has consumed a LOT of content around boundaries and relationships... it wasn't just information. I received practical steps that I could directly apply.