You're a sensitive high-achiever ready to embody extraordinary leadership not only in your zone of genius but in your relationships.

You were born to lead, and it's not only your job but your privilege to embody that in every relationship in your life and help the people around you grow đź‘‘  When you already feel like a leader in every other room and you're ready to embody your leadership just as much in your family room, it's time to hire me. 

You were put on earth to lead your legacy AND lineage — even if you’re afraid to admit it.

I'm ready

You’re known as the one who holds space, comforts, takes care of everyone you love. The one people call when they have big feelings, the person they think of when they're overwhelmed with a million tasks and need help. People have grown to expect you to be there for them for emotional relief... but what about the power of your wisdom? Is your highest self fully present and seen in your most important relationships?

I won’t say the world “lied” to us, but as women we deserve to see each other using the full force of our power to create the Sovereign lives and global impact, making money and memories, being the 1% best mom in the world while touching millions of lives, and never compromising on our success and power just to make someone happy for a few seconds.

and you're ready to be seen for the wise woman you are in your relationships. 

You Know You Were Born To Lead.

If you're a sensitive visionary who plays big, takes people along for the ride, and unshackles the world from outdated social norms, you can't afford to play small in any relationship. Not to please your mom, your man, or your business manager.

Here's what most people won't tell you:

And even though you're not a "people-pleaser" - there is always the next layer of power and boundaries to master. This is the life of an embodied leader.

When you realize that boundaries make people like you, you change the trajectory of your life.
And setting soft, sexy, magnetic (yes, magnetic) boundaries is the path to creating an overflow of intimacy, connection, and transforming the evolution of the world around you.

In a world that asks you to settle, you get to decide you deserve even more. You role model what it means to be a woman who knows you get to have it all and serve your life's purpose in your personal growth, global impact AND in your relationships. 

You're in the right place if you know deep down that never have to compromise yourself for anyone and you're ready to take your joy from a solid 7 to a 10/10 where you get to be the woman who "does it all" without doing anything you don't want to.

You're Always growing at lightning speed. And it's time your relationships reflect that.

Become The Woman Who Has It All.

I’m on a mission to disrupt the silly social expectations being passed down the generations and help kind-hearted visionaries become respected leaders who balance building their legacy and healing their lineage, with living incredibly fun and rewarding lives.

With over 5 years of experience, I’ve worked with powerful visionaries. I’ve seen firsthand what separates the ones who receive love and support as they wake the world up and the ones who don't - and it has nothing to do with how hard you work, how talented you are, or anyone's "personality"…

Award-Winning Leader, Writer, and Legacy Coach

Hi! I'm Lena

"Lena's coaching is truly remarkable
Lena has been instrumental in helping me carve out meaningful time for self-care and personal growth. With her unwavering support, I've embraced a more holistic way of living, building confidence and evolving into a more fulfilled individual."

- Bianca -

"I was able to have revelations that I didn't even have in the past TEN YEARS that I've been doing personal development and working on my mindset. I'm so excited for the future now because of the tools that Lena gave me. I highly recommend working with Lena!"

- Alysha -

"I'm all about making sure the people in my life feel understood and seen and loved, and I thought setting unapologetic boundaries would be hurting them BUT it's actually empowering them - and I wouldn't have been able to see that without Lena and her coaching."

 - Destiny -


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