"I came into this expecting to learn a little bit about validating myself, but that I still wouldn't actually feel anything positive when trying to validate myself, but boy was I wrong. Turns out, validating myself actually feels 10x better than when the validation comes from someone else.

If a friend asked me whether to join VALID, I would say GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE. You deserve it."
- Danielle

Stop Seeking External Validation and Start Creating it For Yourself Instead.

I'm ready!

You know your strengths and opportunities for growth. And, being the growth-oriented woman that you are, you know that everyone always has opportunities to grow - no matter how exceptional they are. Still, when your analytical, mindful, growth-oriented brain looks at your behaviors, you find yourself putting yourself down for having big feelings, being "overly sensitive", not knowing the answer to things, having thoughts that might not always be right or "make sense" to other people. You often criticize yourself and sometimes find that you filter your self-expression based on what other people might think.

And being the total badass you know you are deep down, that just doesn't sit right with you. You're here to make big sht happen and you don't want to keep entertaining this half-you reality where you downplay how capable, intelligent, and powerful you are.

You're done dumping buckets of water on your internal flame to try to mold into who other people think you "should" be. You're done being the daughter, sister, woman, you’re "supposed" to be and you're ready to become the powerful, loving, and centered trailblazing leader you know you're meant to be. You're ready to feel grounded, to prioritize joy, to be confident AF. To be embodied in your message, in your essence, in feeling alive and on fire in your life. And you're ready to give yourself all the validation you need to live the life you're meant to.

You don't need anyone's approval

You can see your room for growth... and still validate yourself for who you are right now.

In case you're looking for a cozy place to get validation from a group of women who all just want to validate each other, this is not the place for that. Because I believe more than anything that you can generate 100% of the validation you need AND that doing so will be the MOST empowering, liberating, and joyful skill in your life. 

From the media, to the people closest to us, subliminal requests, expectations, and "ideals" are being presented to us by people who do not feel our feelings, our purpose, our passion, our perception. And without the ability to self-validate, the pressure to contort to expectations can distract us out of our authentic alignment again, and again, until our life becomes someone else's. A not-quite-authentic version of us who feels a tiny bit like a character. She lives our life, but we don't even relate to her fully. And as long as we continue to go into comparison, guilt, shame, even blaming or labeling our "imperfections", she gets to stay there. Living our life for us day, after day. 

If you're thinking "Lena, that's too real. It feels sticky, and gross. I don't like that my thoughts and feelings, and even my big dreams, are being hijacked by my idea of who I'm 'supposed to be' instead of who I know deep down I'm meant to be", then you're absolutely in the exact right place to be. 

Your feelings, Your desires, your unique way of seeing the world, They genuinely matter. 

We constantly get mixed signals about who we're "supposed to" be or what we "should do".  But to be the person you want to be, the woman you're meant to be, who lives centered in her purpose, in her values, in her uniqueness... you know you need to stop trying to fit a mold and validate the fck out of who you truly are.


Validate the Fck out of Yourself.

You can be the kind, empathetic woman you are and also full whole-heartedly validating yourself. Your unique desires, values, and the way you see the world are important. And YOU are the only person who can validate them.

Become your own compass. Develop the confidence and self-trust to follow your instincts. Embody your medicine.  Lean into your unapologetic self-expression and create a life that reflects who you truly are.

Let's go!

The VALID  Challenge is a promise to yourself:
To stop seeking external validation and to start creating all the validation you need and want ✨

Introducing VALID

Our goal is simple: Give you the confidence to take radical ownership of your life ❤️‍🔥

"What surprised me most is how Lena has a way to prompt you and gently bring you to the answers and options that never crossed your mind before."

I would absolutely recommend VALID to women struggling with self esteem and people pleasing, who want to feel heard, validated and guided"
- Anna Maria

"I would absolutely recommend!!!"


No matter the societal Norm, family expectation, professional pressure, or fear, we center and anchor you in yourself

From: Justifying thoughts and feelings in every little disagreement...
To: Expressing wants and needs from a solid and certain place.

From: Warped in indecision and confusion in every big decision...
To: Deciding to finally move to that dream city.

From: Feeling guilty asking for money clearly owed...
To: Asking for the money from a neutral and confident mindset.

From: Feeling sucked into family debates about who is wrong...
To: Politely bowing out of these conversations and enjoying walks and listening to music until they're done instead.

From: Saying yes to so many things that there's never any time to rest, relax, and self-care... 
To: Guilt-free naps, reading, and even bubble baths every week!

These are just a tiny handful of the many results the VALID Method has created...

You can be a growth-oriented, not at all perfect human and still Validate the Fck out of Yourself.

Self-VALIDation Will set you free and light your Life on fire   

You get to create your own certainty.

In a world where most are emotionally dependent on others to approve their thoughts, feelings, and desires,

This 21-Day Challenge is designed for the woman who has big feelings and even bigger dreams. Who's ready to liberate herself and become the woman in charge of her world-changing confidence and certainty. 

You empower others by role modeling freedom and power.

I'm In!